Projects and Grants

Projects and Grants 1971 – 2009, Erik Granum et al
(eg 26/10-09)

AUC/AAU 1983 – 2009

Billed/Vision-gruppens Navn:
1999 – 2009
CVMT         Computer Vision and Media Technology
CVMT         Computer Vision og MedieTeknologi
1983 – 1999    
LIA             Laboratory of Image Analysis
LBA            Laboratoriet for BilledAnalyse
BAG           BilledAnalyseGruppen
Funding-info:           Consortium/Partner-share (x.x Mil.DKr/x.x Mil.DKr)

2009 – 2012                           FTP-project med SMI/AAU Thomas B. Moeslund/CVMT Partner (5 Mill.DKr / 1 Mill.DKr)

2007 – 2010                         BigBrother, “Big Brother is watching you!”. Funded by FTP, Danish Agency for Science, Technology, and Innovation.  Thomas B. Moeslund/CVMT project.

2006 – 2009                          BIDS, Biometrics for Identity Documents and Smartcards  EU-TIST-COST action 2101, Travel-funding Thomas B. Moeslund/CVMT Partner

2006 – 2009                         IPCity, “Integrated Project on Interaction & Presence in Urban Environments”. EU FP6-2004-IST-4 project, 10 partners.  Hans Jørgen Andersen/CVMT Partner

2006 – 2009                         HERMES, “Human-Expressive Representations of Motion and their Evaluation in Sequences”. EU FP6 IST-027110 STREP.  (Erik Granum/)Thomas B. Moeslund/CVMT Partner

2005                                    Udstyr til Augmented Reality System 200 kDKK fra Den Obelske Familiefond & TEKNAT-Fakultetet  Claus B. Madsen/CVMT projekt

2005 – 2012                         CoSPE, “Computer Vision Based Scene Parameter Estimation”. Funded by Danish Research Council. 2.3 Mill. DKr  Claus B. Madsen/CVMT project.

2004 – 2007                         CONGAS, Gesture Controlled Audio Systems  EU-TIST-COST action 287, Travel-funding Thomas B. Moeslund/CVMT Partner

2004 – 2007                         MOPRIM, “In search for the motion primitives for a communicative human body language”. Funded by Danish Research Council.  Erik Granum/Thomas B. Moeslund/CVMT project. (1.55 Mil.DKr)

2002 – 2005                         BENOGO,  “Being There – Without Going” EU-IST-RTD project (IST-2001-39184), 6 partners,  Erik Granum/Claus B. Madsen/CVMT co-ordinator.  Consortium/partner-share (x.x Mil.DKr/4.5 Mil.DKr)

2002 – 2006                         ACROSS, “Autonomous spatial-temporal crop and soil surveying”. National project funded by Danish Research Councils, 4 partners.  Erik Granum/Hans Jørgen Andersen/CVMT co-ordinator.  Consortium/partner-share (x.x Mil.DKr/4.5 Mil.DKr)

2001 – 2002                         Crops and Outdoor Computer Vision, “Afgrødevurdering og Udendørs Computer Vision”. Post-doc project funded by Danish Research Councils.  Erik Granum/Hans Jørgen Andersen/CVMT project.

2001 – 2004                         ARTHUR, “Augmented Round Table for Architecture and Urban Planning”. EU-IST-RTD project (IST-2000-28559), 6 partners.  Erik Granum/Moritz Störring/CVMT Partner  Consortium/partner-share (x.x Mil.DKr/4.2 Mil.DKr)

2001 – 2004                         FG-NET, “Face and Gesture Recognition Working Group” EU-IST Thematic Network (IST-2000-26434), 6 partners,  Erik Granum/CVMT Partner  Consortium/partner-share (x.x Mil.DKr/0.5 Mil.DKr)

2000 – 2001                         “Interaction in Virtual Reality”, Centre Project of Staging at CVMT.  Funded by Danish Research Councils.  Erik Granum/CVMT project.

1999 – 2004                         3DVDM, “3D Visual Data Mining”. AAU-project funded by Danish Research Councils, 4 partners.  Erik Granum/CVMT Partner (and initiator)  Consortium/partner-share (x.x Mil.DKr/1.7 Mil.DKr)

1999                                    VRCN, VR-Center Nord (Virtual Reality)  Erik Granum/CVMT/Lars Qvortrup/IMA/ Co-ordinatorer. Den Obelske Familiefond/SparNord + AUC-TEKNAT/EU funding (Total about 20 Mill. DKr)

1998 – 2001                         PUPPET, “The Educational Puppet Theatre of Virtual Worlds” EU ESPRIT-LTR project under i3 – Experimental School Environments (EP 29335), 4 partners,  Erik Granum/Claus B. Madsen/LIA-CVMT co-ordinator  Consortium/partner-share (x.x Mil.DKr/2.2 Mil.DKr)

1998 – 2001                         STAGING, “The Staging of Virtual Inhabited 3-D Spaces”. National project funded by the Danish Research Councils, 8 partners.  Erik Granum/Claus B. Madsen/LIA-CVMT Partner and leader of “Construction Team”  Consortium/partner-share (x.x Mil.DKr/3.6 Mil.DKr)

1997 – 2003                          i3-Net, “European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces”. EU funded for administration, travel and a few workshops.  Erik Granum/LIA-CVMT founding member

1997 – 2000                         SMART-II, “Semi-autonomous Monitoring And Robotics Technology”. EU TMR-Network (Training and Mobility of Researchers) (ERB FMRX CT 60052), 13 partners,  Erik Granum/LIA-CVMT Partner  Consortium/partner-share (x.x Mil.DKr/1.2 Mil.DKr)

1996 – 2000                         VIRGO, “Vision-Based Robot Navigation Research Network” EU TMR-Network (Training and Mobility of Researchers) (ERB FMRX CT960049), 10 partners  Erik Granum/Claus B. Madsen/LIA-CVMT Partner  Consortium/partner-share (x.x Mil.DKr/1.5 Mil.DKr)

1996                                    Udstyr til Robot System  460 kDKK fra Den Obelske Familiefond & TEKNAT-Fakultetet  Erik Granum/Claus B. Madsen/CVMT projekt

1995 – 1999                         OPTIMAL, “Optimization and Control in Plant Production of Technology, Implements, Machinery, and systems for Agriculture”. National project funded by Danish Research Councils, 4 partners.  Erik Granum/Hans Jørgen Andersen/LIA Partner

1995 – 1997                         NORBIT-II, “North Jutland Network for Industrial Applications of Image Technology”. A regional network for technology transfer. Funded by EEC and national resources.  A spin-off is the company Telemedia A/S, which specializes in advanced vision systems.  Erik Granum/Peter Jürgensen/LIA co-ordinator.

1995 – 1997                         RETINA, “REsearch and Techniques IN Active vision” EU HCM-Network (Human Capital and Mobility) (ERB CHRX CT 94 0573), 6 partners,  Erik Granum/LIA co-ordinator.

1994 – 1997                         ECVNet, “European Network of Excellence in Computer Vision”. EU funded. (P 8212) xx partners  Erik Granum/LIA Founding member and Chairman of the Committee of Scientific Activities.

1994 – 1996                         ECIS/SAM, “Shape and Motion”. EU ESPRIT project (ECIS003 ), VAP partners + 4 Israeli partners.  Erik Granum/Henrik I. Christensen/LIA co-ordinator.

1993 – 1995                         SMART-I, “Semi-autonomous Monitoring And Robotics Technology”. EU HCM-Network (Human Capital and Mobility) (ERB CHRX CT920038), 13 partners,  Erik Granum/LIA Partner

1993 – 1995                         NORBIT, “North Jutland Network for Industrial Applications of Image Technology”. A regional network for technology transfer. Funded by EEC and national resources.  Erik Granum/Peter Jürgensen/LIA co-ordinator.

1992 – 1994                         ECUS/CPAV, “Control of Perception in Active Vision”. EU ESPRIT project ( ECUS003), VAP partners + 4 US partners, Erik Granum/Henrik I. Christensen/LIA partner.

1992 – 1995                         VAP II, Vision As Process II  EU ESPRIT LTR Project (EP-7108), 6 partners.  Erik Granum/Henrik I. Christensen/LIA co-ordinator.

1991 – 1995                         NORVIC, “Nordic Research Network in Computer Vision”. Research Network previously funded by NORFA, 12 partners,  Erik Granum/LIA co-ordinator.

199x                                    ONYX-1 Super-computer. The Faculty paid for the computer as a general facility for the University, LIA hosted it and paid for the additional Real Time Graphics.

1991                                    Tildelt Villum Kann Rasmussens Årslegat til Teknisk Forskning ( 1 + 200 Kkr personligt)

1991                                    Equipment. (1.39 Mil.DKr)

1990                                    Industrial IA. (365 K.DKr)

1990                                    Equipment. (420 K.DKr)

1989 – 1992                         VAP, Vision As Process  EU ESPRIT Basic Research Action (BR-3038), 6 partners.  Erik Granum/Henrik I. Christensen/LIA co-ordinator. Consortium/partner-share (x.x Mil.DKr/3.55 Mil.DKr)

1989 – 1992                         MOBS, “Modulære Operationelle Billedbehandlings-Systemer” National project funded by Danish Research Councils, 3 partners.  Erik Granum/LIA co-ordinator. Consortium/partner-share (x.x Mil.DKr/4.92 Mil.DKr)

1989                                    Founding of DB-K, Dansk Billedbehandlings Konsortium (Danish Image Processing Consortium):  LIA, IMSO/DTU & DIKU. Erik Granum/LIA co-ordinator.

1989                                    Founding of National AVIS-user group, Active Vision for Intelligent Surveillance.  Erik Granum/Henrik I. Christensen/LIA co-ordinator.

1988 – 1990                         Syntactical Inference. STVF, National Research Council, Funding for a PhD-project (1.04 Mill.DKr)

1987, December 21              Establishment of FVN, “Fonden Vision Nord” (The Foundation Vision North), as “Erhvervsdrivende Fond”, to operate as a platform for collaborative LBA-projects with industry. Starting Capital was 550.000 DKr, a donation from NUC, Nordjysk UdviklingsCenter (Foundation for Developoment in North Jutland). The money was accumulated overhead from the R&D project “Billededitor”, which NUC had facilitated.  Board of FVN: Erik Granum, chair/ Carsten Trant/ Stig Kjær Andersen

1987                                    Pathology Project. (328 K.DKr)

1986 – 1990                        FTU-project. (2.94 Mil.DKr)
Datamatsyn, – metoder til analyse af billedsekvenser

1986                                    RT-Images. (375 K.DKr)

1986                                   GOP-udstyr (UNIX-system med General Operator Processor). (2.32 Mil.DKr)

1986 – 1987                         Commercial R&D project, ”Billededitor”, at LBA for ”Århus Stiftsbogtrykkeri” 1986-87. The project employed 3-4 people incl. project head for more than a year. NUC, Nordjysk UdviklingsCenter (Foundation for Developoment in North Jutland) was the meadiating and facilitating organisation, which also accumulated the Overhead for later Donation.  Erik Granum, LBA/Carsten Trant, Project Head (Estimated turnover 3 Mill. DKr)

198x                                    FIP-udstyr. (ca. 700 K.DKr)

1984 01/02 – 31/01 1987       Forskerstipendium fra Planlægningsrådet for Forskningen:  Digital Billedbehandling og Mønstergenkendelse,  1) Metoder til sandtidsanalyse og genkendelse af billeder, og  2) Automatiske læreprocesser (grammatical inference).  Tilknyttet Institut for Elektroniske Systemer, Aalborg UniversitetsCenter (AUC), med løn i 3 år direkte fra Forskningssekretariatet i KBH.

1984 – 198x                          Principal Investigator, NATO-grant 310/84 for International Collaboration in Research. With Michael G. Thomason, UTK, University of Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.


MRC, Edinburgh 1979 – 1983

1979 – 1983                         STVF supplerende udlandsstipendium (I sammenhæng med ansættelse ved CAPCUE, Clinical and Population Cytogenetics Unit, Edinburgh, under MRC, Det britiske medicinske forskningsråd)


DTU, Lyngby 1971 – 1979

1978 – 1979                         Forsker-stipendium fra Helsefonden (med Rigshospitalets Kromosomlaboratorium).

1976 – 1978                         Forsker-stipendium fra Danske Forskningsråd (med Rigshospitalets Kromosomlaboratorium).

1973 – 1976                         Licentiat-stipendium fra DTU

1971 – 1973                         Stipendium for ”Forstudium til Licentiatstudium” fra DTU


Before University

1971 – 1973   Part time teacher at the Engineering Colleges of Århus and Copenhagen 1970 – 1971   Head of R&D Department, Electromatic A/S, Hadsten
1968 – 1970    R&D engineer at Terma Elektronisk Industri A/S, Århus
1967 – 1968    Millitary Service
1964 – 1967    BEng Electronics , Engineering College of Århus, (Teknikumingeniør, Svagstrøm, Århus Teknikum)