1999-2009: CVMT og VR-Center Nord

Sektioner under “Memory Lane” er skrevet med “løs hånd” for at sætte lister med projekter, publikationer etc. lidt i kontekst. De opdateres af og til når hukommelsen “synes”. (2/3-2014)

Memory Lane 5

1999-2009:  Computer Vision & Medie-Teknologi (CVMT) og
VR-Center Nord

  • Novi-3 med VR-bygningerne (til højre)

    Novi-3 med VR-bygningerne (til højre)

    NOVI 3,  Niels Jernes Vej 14

  • Nyt Navn: CVMT
  • Nye Kontorer og Laboratorier
  • Tværfagligt Center, IMA
  • Indvielse af VR-Center Nord
  • Flere EU-projekter
  • 2003 Presence Conf/Workshop i Aalborg
  • Årlige CVMT Seminarer, f.eks. december 2004, Slides: State-of-the-Union 2004

Virtual reality – faciliteter og projekter
Et større tværfagligt samarbejde i 90’erne mellem forskningsgrupper ved AUC – fordelt på institutter fra flere fakulteter – kulminerede med indvielsen på NOVI-4 af InterMedia-Aalborg (IMA) og VR-Center Nord (VRCN). Professor Lars Qvortrup fra Inst. f. Kommunikation  /HUM var leder af IMA, mens prof Erik Granum var leder af den tekniske del med VRCN, NOVI-4 med specielle bygninger og rum til VR, var blevet til efter et bredt samarbejde og financieringen (omkring 20 Mill. DKr) opnået med bidrag fra Den Obelske Familiefond, SparNord, AUC-TEKNAT og EUs Mål-2 midler (egnsudvikling). VRCN/IMA blev indviet af HKH Kronprins Frederik den 21. august 1999.

(Om indvielsen og faciliteterne “i verdensklasse”)

Mikkel I Panoramaet

Mikkel I Panoramaet

Mikkel ved CAVEN

Mikkel ved CAVEN

Mikkel kigger op under instrumentbrædtet

Mikkel kigger op under instrumentbrædtet

IMA/VRCN styrkede det tværfaglige samarbejde, hvor faciliteterne indgik i forskningsprojekter, samarbejdsprojekter med virksomheder, og studenter-projekter, men Ego måtte overlade ledelsen af VRCN til anden side efter et år.

red-but1-e1393716101157 Imidlertid fortsatte iganværende projekterne STAGING og PUPPET, som omhandlede brugen af virtuelle verdener og i høj grad baserede sig på VRCN. Relaterede projekter som “Interaction in Virtual Reality”, koncentrerede sig direkte om videreudvikling af faciliteterne, og
red-but1-e1393716101157 projektet 3DVDM, “3D Visual Data Mining”, 1999-2004, var direkte inspireret af VR-faciliteterne. Det blev udført af CVMT sammen med 3 andre forsknings-grupper ved AAU. CVMT’s PhD-stud. Henrik Rojas Nagel forsvarede i 2005.
[1.8.x, 1.9, 2.27, 3.23, 3.26, 3.33, 3.36, 3.41, 3.42, 3.49, 3.59]

Internationale projekter
red-but1-e1393716101157 Vi blev inviteret med i EU-projektet ARTHUR, “Augmented Round Table for Architecture and Urban Planning” 2001-04 med ialt 6 partners.  Moritz Störring var i praksis vores primus motor i projektet, som involverede avancerede metoder for både computer vision, grafik og interaktion. Med “look-through” HMD’er kunne mødedeltagere omkring et bord se og interagere med arkitektmodeller, der var visualiseret midt på bordet.
red-but1-e1393716101157 Vedr. interaktion m.m. deltog vi 2001–04 som partner i  FG-NET, “Face and Gesture Recognition Working Group”, et EU-IST Thematic Network med 6 partners. Midlerne var mest til rejser og Workshops.
red-but1-e1393716101157 Under i3-netværkets tema “Presence” fik vi 2002-05 EU-projektet   BENOGO,  “Being There – Without Going” som vi koordinerede for i alt 6 partners, Her var Claus B. Madsen leder af den tekniske integration.
[1.10,  3.29, 3.32, 3.35, 3.40, 3.44, 3.45, 3.50, 3.51, 3.53, 3.54, 3.55, 5.11]

Deltagelse i nationale udvalg
red-but1-e1393716101157 Ny teknologi → Nye oplevelser = En vej til vækst. Teknologi- og oplevelsesudvalg under ATVs Tænketank, Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber, 2004-06.
red-but1-e1393716101157 Teknologisk fremsyn om kognition og robotter, Udvalg under Videnskabs-ministeriet, 2004-06. [1.12]

Projekter hjemtaget af yngre kolleger (Evt. m. den gamle på bag-perronen)
Mens den gamle blev ældre og optaget af projekt AUK, “Aalborg Universitet København” fortsatte yngre kolleger med at skaffe nye små og store protjekter.
red-but1-e1393716101157 Thomas B. Moeslund
* 2004–07  CONGAS, “Gesture Controlled Audio Systems”,  EU-TIST-COST action 287, Primært rejsepenge, CVMT Partner
* 2004–07  MOPRIM, “In search for the motion primitives for a communicative human body language”. Forskningsrådsbevilling 1,55 Mkr, CVMT projekt.
* 2006–09  HERMES, “Human-Expressive Representations of Motion and their Evaluation in Sequences”. EU FP6 IST-027110 STREP. CVMT Partner
red-but1-e1393716101157 Hans Jørgen Andersen
* 2006–09   IPCity, “Integrated Project on Interaction & Presence in Urban Environments”. EU FP6-2004-IST-4 project, 10 partners.  CVMT Partner
red-but1-e1393716101157 Claus B. Madsen
* 2005  Udstyr til Augmented Reality System, 200 Kkr fra Den Obelske Familiefond & TEKNAT-Fakultetet  CVMT projekt
* 2005–12   CoSPE, “Computer Vision Based Scene Parameter Estimation”. Forskningsrådsbevilling 2.3 Mill. Kr.  CVMT project.
[3.58, 3.60]



 1.  Theses and Contributions to Research Monographs

1.8.1    Introduction. Erik Granum. Introduction to part two in: Virtual Interaction: Interaction in Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds. Lars Qvortrup (Ed.). Springer, 2001, pp. 97-99.

1.8.2    Aspects of Interactive Autonomy and Perception. C.B. Madsen and E. Granum. In: Virtual Interaction: Interaction in Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds. Lars Qvortrup (Ed.). Springer, 2001, pp. 182-208.

1.8.3     Discussion. P. B. Andersen, C.B. Madsen, and E. Granum. In: Virtual Interaction: Interaction in Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds. Lars Qvortrup (Ed.), Springer, 2001, pp. 209-213.

1.8.4     Constructing Virtual Environments for Visual Explorers, Erik Granum and Peter Musaeus, 2002 In: Virtual Space: Spatiality in Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds. Lars Qvortrup (Ed.). Springer. pp 112-138.

1.9        Der kan man bare se – Mikkels virtuelle dag. Erik Granum and Iben Granum. In:  Videnskaberfremtiden. Rolf Haugaard Nielsen (ed). Villum Kann Rasmussen Fonden og Experimentarium, 2003, pp 62-83.

1.10    A procedure for developing intuitive and ergonomic gesture interfaces for HCI.Michael Nielsen, Moritz Störring, Thomas B. Moeslund, Erik Granum. In: Gesture-based communication in human-computer interaction : 5th international gesture workshop, GW 2003, Genova, Italy, April 15-17, 2003 : selected revised papers / Camurri, A. ; Volpe,G. (eds.) . Berlin : Springer, 2004.s. 409-420. (Lecture notes in artificial intelligence. Subseries of Lecture notes in computer science ; Nr. 2915)

1.11     Ny teknologi Nye oplevelser = En vej til vækst. Niels Ole bernsen, Bjarne Ersbøll, Erik Granum, John Pulin Hansen, Søren E. Jakobsen, Kaj Juul-Pedersen, Asta Lyngby Wellejus. Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber, Februar 2006 p 97.

1.12  Teknologisk fremsyn om kognition og robotter, Udvalg under Videnskabs-ministeriet. Annelise Mark Pejtersen, Christian Clausen, Gert Fredericia, Erik Granum, Lisbeth Harms, Henrik Jakobsen, Henrik Hautop Lund og Theresa Schilhab, April 2006, 52 sider

2.  Publications in refereed Journals

2.22     Classifying the illumination condition from two light sources by color histogram assessment. Hans J. Adersen and E. Granum. Journal of Society of America, Vol. 17, No. 4, April 2000, pp 667-676.

2.23     Physics-based modelling of human skin colour under mixed illuminants. M. Störring, H.J. Andersen, and E. Granum. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 35, June 2001, Elsevier Science, pp. 131-142

2.24    A Survey of Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Capture. T.B. Moeslund and E. Granum. International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 81, March, 2001.

2.25    Modelling and estimating the pose of a human arm. Thomas B. Moeslund, Erik   Granum. Machine Vision and Applications (2003) 14: 237-247. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1007/s00138-002-0090-1. Springer Verlag 2003. Published online: 8 August 2003

2.26     Tracking regions of human skin through illumination changes. Stoerring, M., Kocka, T., Andersen, H. J., and Granum, E. (2003) Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (11): 1715-1723.

2.27      Explorative and Dynamic Visualization of Data in Virtual Reality. Henrik R. Nagel and Erik Granum. Computational Statistics 19.1 (2004) Physica-Verlag, pp. 55-73

2.28      Modelling the 3D pose of a human arm and the shoulder complex utilising only two parameters. Thomas B. Moeslund, Claus B. Madsen, Erik Granum: In: Journal of Integrated Computer-aided Engineering. Volume 12, No. 2, 2005

2.29       Ground Truth Evaluation of Computer Vision Based 3D Reconstruction of Synthesized and Real Plan Images. Michael Nielsen, Hans Jørgen Andersen, David Slaughter, Erik Granum. In: Precision Agriculture. 2007; Vol. 8, No. 1-2, 13.01.2007. pp 49-62

3.  Publications in Proceedings of Scientific Meetings

3.22     A model based, daylight and chroma adaptive segmentation method. H.J. Andersen and E. Granum. Proc. EOS/SPIE Conference on Polarisation and Colour Techniques in Industrial Inspection, Munich, June 14-18, 1999.

3.23     Can finite state automata, numeric mood parameters and reactive behaviours become alive? C. B. Madsen, P. Pirjanian, and E. Granum. Proc. Workshop on Behavior Planning for Life-Like Characters and Avatars, held in conjunction with the i3 Spring Days, Sitges,  Spain, page (4), March 1999.

3.24     Multiple cues usen in model-based human motion capture. T.B. Moeslund and E. Granum. Proc. Fourth IEEE International Conference on automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 26-30 March 2000, Grenoble,  France, pp. 362-367.

3.25     3D human pose estimation using 2D-Data and an alternative phace space representation. T.B. Moeslund and E. Granum. Proc. Workshop on Human Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis, Hilton  Head Island, South Carolina, June 2000.

3.26     Vision-based user interface for interacting with a virtual environment. T.B. Moeslund, E. Granum, and M. Störring. Proc. The 9th Danish Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, August 2000, pp. 20-28.

3.27     Visual motion capture as a means of control in telepresence. T.B. Moeslund and E. Granum. Proc. The 9th Danish Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, August 2000, pp. 29-36.

3.28     Skin colour detection under changing lighting conditions. M. Störring, H.J. Andersen, E. Granum. In H. Araujo and J. dias, editors, 7th International Symposium on Intelligen Robotic systems, Coimbra, Protugal, 20-23 July 1999, pp 187-195.

3.29     Estimation of the Illuminant Colour from Human Skin Colour. M. Störring, H.J. Andersen, and E. Granum. Proc. 4th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Grenoble, France, 26-30 March 2000, pp. 64-69

3.30     Estimation of the Illuminant Colour using Highlights from Human Skin. M. Störring, E. Granum, H. J. Andersen. Proc. 1st International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing – CGIP’ 2000, Saint.Etienne, France, 1-4 October 2000, pp.45-50

3.31     Pose Estimation of a Human Arm using Kinematic Constraints. T. B. Moeslund and E. Granum. Proc. 12th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA ’01). Bergen, Norway, 11-14 June 2001.

3.32     A Natural Interface to a Virtual Environment through Computer Vision-estimated Pointing Gesture. M. Störring, T.B. Moeslund, and E. Granum. Proc. 4thInternational Workshop on Gesture and SignLanguage based Human-Computer Interaction. April 2001.

3.33     Methods for visual mining of data in Virtual Reality. Nagel, H.R., Granum, E., and Musaeus, P. (2001)  . In: 12th European Conf. on Machine Learning and 5th European Conf. on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Workshop Proceedings, ECML/PKDD 2001, 4 September, Freiburg, Germany.http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~ml/ecmlpkdd/WS-Proceedings/w03/02_nagel.pdf.

3.34      Constraining a statistical skin colour model to adapt to illumination changes. Störring,M. and Granum,E. (2001) In: 7th German Workshop on Colour Image Processing. Erlangen-Nürnberg: pp. 47-58. Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Informatik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität ; 34.

3.35       Computer Vision in the ARTHUR Project. M. Störring, T.B. Moeslund, C.B. Madsen, and E. Granum. In S. I. Olsen, editor, Proceedings: Eleventh Danish Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Copenhagen, Denmark. 9 pages, August 2002

3.36        VR++ and its Application for Interactive and Dynamic Visualization of Data in Virtual Reality. H.R. Nagel and E. Granum. In: S. I. Olsen, editor, Proceedings: Eleventh Danish Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Copenhagen,  Denmark. 9 pages, August 2002

3.37       Bootstrapping the Condensation Algorithm. T.B. Moeslund, E. Granum. In: S. I. Olsen, editor, Proceedings: Eleventh Danish Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Copenhagen, Denmark. 9 pages, August 2002

3.38     Estimating the 3D Shoulder Position using Monocular Vision and a Detailed Shoulder Model. T.B. Moeslund, M. Vittrup, K.S. Pedersen, M.K. Laursen, M.K.D. Sørensen, H. Uhrenfeldt, and E. Granum. In: Proc. International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 2002.

3.39     Adapting a statistical skin colour model to illumination changes. M. Störring, E. Granum. In Proceedings: First European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging and Vision. pp 16-21, ISBN 0-89208-239-9, April 2002

3.40     An Investigation into Virtual Representations of Real Places. J. Arnspang, D. Benyon, M. Fahle, E. Granum, C.B. Madsen, T. Pajdla, M. Smyth, P. Turner, S. Turner, and D. Weinshall. In Proceedings: Fifth Annual International Workshop on Presence Research (PRESENCE 2002), Porto, Portugal, October 2002, 8 pages

3.41     A Software System for Temporal Data Visualization in Virtual Reality. Henrik Rojas Nagel and Erik Granum. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Data Visualization for large data sets, Augsburg, Germany, October 2002

3.42     Using dynamic soundscapes to support visual data mining in VR.Bovbjerg,S., Granum,E., Nagel,H.R., and Vittrup,M. In: Third International Workshop on Visual Data Mining in conjunction with ICDM 2003 – The Third IEEE International Conference on Data Mining,  Melbourne, Florida, USA. Simoff,S.J., Noirhomme-Fraiture,M., Böhlen,M.H. and Ankerst,M.I.,  (eds.), 19-22 November,  pp. 167-182.

3.43     Facilitating the presence of users and 3D models by the augmented round table. Granum,E., Moeslund,T.B., Stoerring,M., Broll,W. and Wittkaemper,M. In: The 6th Annual International Workshop on Presence, Presence 2003, Aalborg,  Denmark. 6-8 October, p. 19.

3.44     Computer vision based head tracking from re-configurable 2D markers for AR. Liu,Y., Stoerring,M., Moeslund,T.B., Madsen,C.B., and Granum,E.  In: Proceedings den 12. Danske Konference i Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse, 21-22 August, Copenhagen, Denmark. Olsen,S.I. (ed.). Copenhagen: Institute of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, pp. 50-58. Rapport / DIKU ; 2003/06.

3.45     Computer vision based head tracking from re-configurable 2D markers for AR. Liu,Y., Stoerring,M., Moeslund,T.B., Madsen,C.B. and Granum,E. In: 2003 IEEE / ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2003, 7-10 October, Tokyo, Japan. p. 264-265. ISSN/ISBN: 0-7695-2006-5. Notes: Poster presentation.

3.46     Bootstrapping sequential Monte Carlo tracking.Moeslund, T.B. and Granum,E. (2003) In: 13th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA 2003, June 29-July 2, Halmstad, Sweden. Bigün,J. and Gustavsson,T. (eds.). Berlin: Springer, pp. 1030-1037. Lecture notes in computer science ; 2749. ISSN/ISBN: 3540406018 ; 0302-9743.

3.47    Modelling the 3D pose of a human arm and the shoulder complex utilising only two parameters. Moeslund,T.B., Madsen,C.B., and Granum,E. (2003) In: International Conference on Model-based Imaging, Rendering, Image Analysis and Graphical special Effects, Mirage 2003, March 10-11, INRIA Rocquencourt, France. pp. 11-19.

3.48     Sequential Monte Carlo tracking of body parameters in a sub-space. Moeslund,T.B. and Granum,E. (2003) In: IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures, AMFG 2003, 17 October, Nice, France. pp. 84-91. ISSN/ISBN: 0-7695-2010-3.

3.49     Exploring non-linear data relationships in VR using the 3D visual data mining system. Nagel,H.R., Vittrup,M., Granum,E., and Bovbjerg,S. (2003) In: Third International Workshop on Visual Data Mining in conjunction with ICDM 2003 – The Third IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 19-22 November, Melbourne, Florida, USA. Simoff,S.J., Noirhomme-Fraiture,M., Böhlen,M.H. and Ankerst,M.I. (eds.). pp. 133-150.

3.50    A procedure for developing intuitive and ergonomic gesture interfaces for HCI. Nielsen,M., Störring,M., Moeslund,T.B. and Granum,E. (2003) In: The 5th International Workshop on Gesture and Sign Language based Human-Computer Interaction, GW 2003, 15-17 April, Genova, Italy, LNAI 2915, pp 409-420

3.51     Computer vision-based gesture recognition for an augmented reality interface. Moritz Störring, Thomas B. Moeslund, Yong Liu, Erik Granum. In: Proceedings of the fourth IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, September 6-8 2004, Marbella, Spain. Villanueva,J.J. (ed.). Anaheim ; Calgary : ACTA Press, 2004. pp. 766-771. (Series on Signal and Image Processing ).

3.52     A multispectral approach to robust human skin detection.Moritz Störring, Hans Jørgen Andersen, Erik Granum In: CGIV 2004, Second European Conference on Color in Graphics, Images and Vision, April 5-8 2004, Aachen, Germany. The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2004. pp. 110-115.

3.53     Pointing and command gestures for augmented reality.  Thomas B. Moeslund, Moritz Störring, Erik Granum. In: FGnet Workshop on Visual Observation of Deictic Gestures, Pointing ’04, in association with the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2004, 22 August 2004, Cambridge, UK. 2004.

3.54     The ARTHUR system: an augmented round table. Thomas B. Moeslund, Moritz Störring, Wolfgang Broll, Francis Aish, Yong Liu, Erik Granum. In: 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI 2004, July 18-21 2004, Orlando, FL, USA. 2004. pp.277-282.

3.55     Motion capture of articulated chains by applying auxiliary information to the sequential Monte Carlo algorithm. Thomas B. Moeslund, Erik Granum . In: Proceedings of the fourth IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, September 6-8, 2004, Marbella, Spain. Villanueva,J.J. (ed.). Anaheim ; Calgary : ACTA Press, 2004. pp. 197-202. (Series on Signal and Image Processing ).

3.56     Comparative Study of Disparity Estimations with Multi-Camera Configurations in Relation to Descriptive Parameters of Complex Biological Objects.Michael Nielsen, Hans J. Andersen, Erik Granum. In: Proceedings of BenCOS – Towards Benchmarking Automated Calibration, Orientation and Surface Reconstruction from Images. ISPRS Workshop in conjunction with ICCV 2005, O. Hellwich, I. Niini, C. Ressl, V. Rodehorst, D. Scharstein, P. Sturm (eds.) , October 2005, pp. 63-68.

3.57     Ground Truth Evaluation of 3D Computer Vision on Non-Rigid Biological Structures. Michael Nielsen, Hans J. Andersen, David C. Slaughter, Erik Granum.In: Proceedings of Precision Agriculture ’05. J. V. Stafford (ed.) pp. 549-556, June 2005.

3.58     Finding Motion Primitives in Human Body Gestures. Thomas.B. Moeslund, Lars. Reng, Erik. Granum. In: Proceedings of  the 6th International Workshop on Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation, Berder Island, France, May 2005

3.59     Real-time Tracking for Virtual Environments Using Scaat Kalman Filtering and Unsynchronised Cameras. Niels Tjørnly Rasmussen, Moritz Störring, Thomas B. Moeslund, Erik Granum. In: VISAPP 2006: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Spplications. Setúbal, Protugal: INSTICC, 2006. pp 333-341

3.60     Finding Motion Primitives in Human Body Gestures. Lars Reng, Thomas B. Moeslund, Erik Granum. In: GW 2005, Berlin/Heidelberg. Springer 2006. pp 133-144 (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; 3881).


4.  Contributions to Scientific Meetings

5.  Technical Reports, etc.

5.11     A Procedure for Developing Intuitive and Ergonomic Gesture Interfaces for Man-machine Interaction. Michael Nielsen, Moritz Störring, Thomas B. Moeslund, and Erik Granum. Technical Report CVMT 03-01, ISSN 1601-3646, CVMT, AalborgUniversity, March 2003.
